
Maintenance Instructions

The pages in this website were created offline using the Microsoft Expression product, and then uploaded to the host provider.

Modifications to a page will also need to be made offline and uploaded. You can use Expression,  or a simple text editor like Notepad or Textpad (available free)  to do this. You can also use other HTML editors (eg Notepad++ or SeaMonkey, both free).

Begin by downloading the existing page you wish to edit from the host, if necessary.

The following sections explain how to perform the most common maintenance operations.

Remember to change the Edited date at the foot of each page you alter.

How to change the scrolling text ('tickertape')

The scrolling text is located in the file index.html. Identify the existing text in this file by comparison with the displayed page, and use the editor to replace it with the required new text. Then upload the edited file.

How to update the poster on the Future Events page

Create a jpg file of the poster named WCSNextConcert.jpg.

Use an appropriate picture editor to size the file so that it occupies  less than 150Kb of disk space, by reducing the resolution, image size and compression ratio accordingly. (Irfanview is a suitable free editor; set the jpg compression ratio to 70%).

Upload the file to the images directory, overwriting the existing file of the same name.

How to add a poster to the slideshow on the Poster Gallery page

Create a jpg file of the poster, sizing it as above. Upload this file to the Posters folder.

Now edit the file PosterGallery.html by inserting a new line containing the filename of the photo you have just uploaded.

How to add a photo to the slideshow on the Photo Gallery page

Create a jpg file of the photo, sizing it as above. Upload this file to the Photos folder.

Now edit the file PhotoGallery.html by inserting a new line containing the filename of the poster you have just uploaded.

How to update the AGM page

Create a pdf file of the AGM minutes, and upload them to the AGM folder. Edit the file AGM.html to insert a link to the file you have just uploaded, using existing entries as a guide. (Note that the latest entries go at the top of the list).

How to update the Past Concerts page

If a programme for the concert is available, create a pdf file of it and upload it to the Programmes folder.

Edit the PastConcerts.html file to add an extra row in the table of past concerts, making a link to the new programme file if necessary.

How to make general text changes

Identify the page which you want to change and edit the file pagename.html accordingly.

How to update the OrderTickets page

Edit either the Tickets.html file, the TicketsSoon.html file or the TicketsNotYet.html file and then save a copy of the edited file
with the name OrderTickets.html

How to add a new page

To add a new page, you must create the page and add a link to it on every existing page. If you uses Microsoft Expression, the index.dwt file allows you to do this easily.

If you use another editor, you can create a copy of the Master.html file as the starting point for the new page.

 However, you will have to add the new link separately to each existing page.

You can use the default masthead picture for the new page, or change  to one of the existing pictures in the images folder, or create a new one.

To create a new masthead picture,  you can :-

- modify the file masthead.doc using Microsoft Word (or OpenOffice)
- modify the file masthead.svg using a suitable drawing application
- modify the file masthead.jpg using a photo editor application.

In each case, you must end up with a jpg file of size approx 840 by 240 pixels at 144 dpi, using a compression ratio of 70%
How the domain name works

The domain name www.warehamchoral.co.uk was purchased from thenames.uk in Oct 018. it will need to be renewed in 2023. The name points to nameservers gwen.ns.cloudflare.com and miles.ns.cloudflare.com.

The domain name www.warehamchoral.uk was purchased from fasthosts.co.uk in 2023 to avoid DDOS attacks on
Cloudflare is used to provide an SSL certificate for the domain and to act as a reverse firewall.

There is a free account on cloudfare with username warehamchoral@gmail.com. This account links the domain to the 00webhost subdomain warehamchoralsoc.000webhost.app.com. Note that the relevant 000webhost account is bob.newnham@gmail.com

It is also necessary to park the domain at warehamchoralsoc.000webhostapp.com.

The procedure to do this is as follows:
Login to fasthosts and set the nameservers to ns01.000webhost.com and ns02.000webhost.com
Login to 000webhost and park the domain.
Login to cloudflare and link it to the 000webhost subdomain
Login to fasthosts again and set the nameservers to the clouflare nameserver
